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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sweet Reunion

Well, it's official: I've taken over the house. More on that later.

GongGong and Mimi have been here for just over 24 hours and we have been making up for lost time ever since. I made a special trip to the airport to greet them because, why waste even a precious second? We even did something very Israeli: We sat at the airport and drank coffee as they reacquainted themselves with my cheeks.

Then we headed home, the two of them flanking me in the back seat of the car. I fiercely battled sleep in order to keep my eyes on them. Over dinner, I impressed my Italian grandparents by eating a half a jar of American baby food. I actually guzzled it down. There was no time for photos.

Now back to the apartment. Those 2.5 suitcases meant for me was actually at least 3 full suitcases spread over the 6 pieces of luggage. Thanks to everyone who sent stuff! Lucky for me I don't walk yet because if I did, I'd have to be like the adults who have to leap hurdles to get around this place. It is going to be rather difficult to assimilate everything into its place.

At the airport

The paparazzi started in immediately

A nice walk on a pleasant Jerusalem evening

Hugs were no in short supply

Stuff, 99 percent of it mine, arranged on the counter.
This was one quarter of all the "stuff" that made it over here.

One of the very cool toys that crossed the Atlantic

Making up for lost time

Books, puzzles, and an explosion of "stuff" everywhere

Even a booster seat made it in the luggage

1 comment:

  1. ok...what is that bumba seat plugged into??????!!!!
