Having successfully graduated from Shalva's daycare just a week ago, I suddenly find myself at home day in and day out since Shalva is closed for summer break.
So that means it's mommy and abba's turns to put into action over the next few weeks all of the tricks that they learned from my teachers, which I taught them. Naturally.
But what it does not mean is that I will sleep any later than 6 to 6:30 a.m. Our day begins with the sunrise as Lucas and I wake each other up, yelling at one another in our special language from bed to bed, loud enough as well to wake up mommy and abba, Lucie the cat, and any one within a square mile radius. We can't help it - our roots are Mediterranean and our blood runs hot and loud. After we are sufficiently awake, we then we proceed to strip our beds down to the sheets and even the mattress guards beneath them tossing all this extraneous material overboard into a pile on the floor. Every. Single. Day.
Nevertheless, I digress. Here is a small smorgasbord of my activities at Shalva in the previous months. I mean, why let a few good photos and videos go to waste? Plus mommy and abba need a refresher!
My OT teacher Lirit wasn't all about work,
sometimes we got to go for a swing!
I was privy to the finest toys!
I love my teacher, Reut!
I mean, really really love her!
It wasn't all work - I earned a bit of a green thumb as well
OMG!!! I miss them!! I can't!! Daniel is doing so great, i love those teachers!!