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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Shabbat Shalom!

That is not a cowboy hat on my head

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." Exodus 20:8

As it is Saturday, may I wish a Shabbat shalom to all. In school, on Fridays, we learn all about Shabbat, the Sabbath. I am blessed that, despite being the sole Gentile in my class at Shalva, I have risen above "Shabbat goy" status (you know, the one asked by the observant Jews to turn on and off the lights and other things that would be, for them, a violation of the Sabbath). Yes, even I was elevated to Abba Shel Shabbat for a day. The literal translation of that is "Father of the Sabbath," but what that actually means, I'm not so sure.

However, I took this distinction very seriously and I blessed the Sabbath with a certain miracle of rest: I extended my late afternoon nap from 4:15 p.m. on Friday and I slept ... and slept ... and slept all the way to 6 the next morning - with nary a theatrical cry to pierce the night! It was a truly a wonder.

Mommy and abba told me that I won't have to wear this hat on Shabbat even if some of the other kids in my class do. We will keep the day holy in our own ways. And while some of those ways may be spiritual we may also take the occasional trip to Tel Aviv to enjoy other aspects of God's creation such as parks, beaches and delicious food at restaurants. You will see just how we did that in the following photos.

And I say a hearty Amen to that!

Lucas was trying to help Alisha eat.
She had to hold his hand.

Still holding hand

I liked this restaurant because there was a kid-friendly play area

And it attracted cute girls with whom I could play


My brother, Alisha's sister 

Erica and Lucas

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